Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 2017

 In working to partially fulfill the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion’s charge of promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership, here is another of our periodic emails with items that may be of interest or value to those seeking to learn more about issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, and social justice. While we know we can’t be comprehensive, we do our best to collect timely resources on library-related issues and share those every few weeks. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.
Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 2017

Here is another installment of the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion Resource Round-up. We’re working on promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. I’ve included the link to this year’s fall ILA Conference resources page where the theme was Seeking Inclusion, Finding Success. I highly encourage you to check out that link to see what your colleagues around Iowa are doing to engage with these issues. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.
Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Friday, September 29, 2017

September 2017

 Here is another installment of the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion Resource Round-up. We’re working on promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. Don’t forget that this year’s fall ILA Conference theme is Seeking Inclusion, Finding Success, so if these issues of are interest to you, if you are looking to expand your understanding and vocabulary, if you’re looking to connect with others also seeking to grow then this conference is an excellent opportunity for your professional and personal development. The conference will be held October 18-20 in Coralville, IA. This committee is helping with two sessions: 

  • Our World, Our Libraries: Diversity as Intentional Practice; Friday, 10/20/17, 10:05-10:55 AM; Presenters: Katelyn Browne, Youth Services Librarian, University of Northern Iowa; Vera Scrivner, Children’s Librarian, Algona Public Library; Amy Golly, Services Department, Urbandale Public Library; tags: all library types, diversity, inclusion, collection management, outreach, programming
  • Diversity & Inclusion Unconference Session, Thursday, 10/19/17, 2:15-3:05 PM; Facilitator: Cara B. Stone, Instruction Librarian, Iowa State University; tags: all library types, diversity, inclusion 
There are many other engaging and exciting sessions that also overlap with the goals of this committee, so please do explore the conference schedule and session descriptions! More information on the fall conference may be found here: If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.

Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 2017

 As many communities in Iowa prepare to return to school and classes, we thought we’d send out another August message with links, many of which examine ways teachers, parents, and community members can address current events in our nation. As always, if you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.
Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

July 2017

Here is another installment of the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion Resource Round-up. We’re working on promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.
Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 2017

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Supplement May 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 2017

Here is another installment of the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion Resource Round-up. We’re working on promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.
Cara B. Stone
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 2017

 Here is another installment of the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion Resource Round-up. We’re working on promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate. '
 Cara B. Stone
 Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Supplement March 2017

Approaching Deadline: ALA Seeks Proposals for 2017-2018 Diversity Research Grants through April 15 (The application deadline has been extended to midnight central time on April 15, 2017.)

Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 2017

 As mentioned in our previous email, ILA's Committee for Diversity & Inclusion working to partially fulfill our charge of promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership. One piece of that is sending out periodic emails with items that may be of interest or value to those seeking to learn more about issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, and social justice. While we know we can’t be comprehensive, we will do our best to collect timely resources on library-related issues and share those every few weeks. We are still working to find our rhythm in regards to frequency, and for now will employ a less-is-more approach (to be mindful of ever-bursting email inboxes). This installment presents resources from ALA, podcasts, blogs, newspapers, and other media. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate. 

Cara B. Stone 
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion 

This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

February 2017


In working to partially fulfill the ILA Committee for Diversity & Inclusion’s charge of promoting awareness of issues relating to diversity and inclusion to the greater ILA membership, we will be sending out periodic emails with items that may be of interest or value to those seeking to learn more about issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, and social justice. While we know we can’t be comprehensive, we will do our best to collect timely resources on library-related issues and share those every few weeks. We are still working to find our rhythm in regards to frequency, and for now will employ a less-is-more approach (because I don’t know anyone who has expressed a desire for more emails in their inbox). In this inaugural installment, we’ve gathered resources from ALA, podcasts, and other media. If you have resources that fall under the diversity and inclusion umbrella you feel might be helpful or interesting for the ILA membership, please feel free to send them my way and I will work with the committee to share them out as appropriate.


Cara B. Stone 
Chair, ILA Ad Hoc Committee for Diversity & Inclusion 


This message is sent on behalf of the ILA Committee for Diversity and Inclusion as a point of interest for the general membership; CD&I is not responsible for any of the content found within, and any views may not necessarily represent those of the committee, its members, or any associated organizations. It is shared for informational purposes only. 